Online Learning – Learning Services (2025)

  • Access Blackboard.You’ll need your Mason username (NetID) and password to access Blackboard. Log in to and select the Courses tab to locate your course. Blackboard Mobile App can help you keep track of your online courses using your mobile device.
  • Check your Internet Connection.To complete and turn in your assignments, you will need consistent basic wireless or cellular connection at your home or study site.
  • What if you need to join in a video-conference or take a supervised exam? For these, you will need broadband wireless (or strong cell connection) capable of streaming video, as well as a web-camera as part of your computer or tablet. Note on Accommodations: If you cannot participate in some forms of virtual instruction, we encourage you to work collaboratively with your professor to find creative solutions that allow you to continue to participate in the course. Reservable rooms are also available at Fenwick Library and the Johnson Center on campus, and at the Fairfax County Public Libraries. Click the provided links to begin the reservation process.
  • Check the technology requirements of your class. Ask your instructor if there are other programs or applications required by your department or program for your online course.
  • Consider back-up access. If your wireless goes down or you’re out of data, is there a library or other location you can go to safely to briefly access instructions and download large files or videos? WiFi may be accessed from all Library branch parking lots, every day 6 AM – 10 PM.
  • Inform your instructors right away if you do not have reliable access to technology resources.
  • Know where to find and keep track of lectures and activities for each of your classes.
    Where can you find it, and how do you access it in Blackboard?
    Will you need to attend/participate at a specific time (live, real-time sessions), or can you participate any time (in the Blackboard course site)?
  • Check to see if your assignments are changing.
    Are there any new due dates?
    Where do you submit your assignments?
    Are there online quizzes or exams?
  • Set a schedule.Setting a schedule for yourself can help provide structure and keep you motivated. Use a weekly or daily calendar to help you organize your time, including time for exercise and self-care. See Learning Services’ videos on Time Management and Overcoming Procrastination for tips on scheduling your time.
  • Allow adequate time.Online assignments may take longer than you expect, especially if you’re new to online learning. Adapt your study routines and habits to concentrate and stay on-track, even if uncertain. Stay in touch with your instructors, classmates, and others to build community and relationships in the virtual setting.
  • Stay in touch. Communicate regularly with your instructor and your classmates. You can communicate within your online course (e.g., through Blackboard discussion boards). You also may contact your instructor via email, virtual office hours, or phone.
  • Be proactive. In an online environment, your professor may have fewer “clues” about whether or not you understand course content. Reach out to your instructor if there is something that is not clear to you, or if you are having difficulty keeping up with the course. If you are having issues with the technology, let your instructor know and then contact Courses Support for help. Also, make sure to inform your instructor if you become ill during your course and may be delayed in completing assignments.
  • Check your email and Blackboard Announcements regularly & often. Checking your Mason email is important even under normal circumstances, but it’s even more important when your course moves online. Your instructor will be sending you updates, announcements, and reminders. Update notifications on Blackboard, so you’re always up-to-date. It is your responsibility as the learner to stay informed.
  • Use good “Netiquette” when you are participating and posting in your online course. In online discussions and peer reviews, critique ideas but treat people respectfully & professionally. Remember that tone and humor may be easily misinterpreted by others in online discussions.
  • Reach out to Mason Services. If you require accommodations or auxiliary aids, reach out to Mason’s Disability Services for assistance.
  • Be patient with yourself, your classmates, and your instructors.Virtual alternative instruction will be new to many at Mason, including your instructors. Please be patient, kind, and supportive during this time. We all feel stressed and nervous, so let’s work together.
  • Learn Strategies for Mindfulness and Stress Management. Mason’s Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) offers Mental Health Workshops.
  • Stay connected to others: your instructors, classmates, family, and friends.Reach out to others for assistance and help with your courses, and also your self-care and well-being.
  • Be kind to yourself. You’ll find your way. You’ll get back on track, and this way of learning will eventually become familiar.
  • Take a deep breath, do your best, get some rest, and let’s carry on!

Blackboard Courses Support (Information Technology Services, GMU)
The Blackboard Courses Support resource highlights instructions to the most common Blackboard tools, such as submitting an assignment, taking a test, participating in a video lecture, or accessing other course materials Here are some specific help resources for these FAQs:

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the ITS Support Center at 703-993-8870, or via email at

Using Zoom
Learn more about how to access, download, and use Zoom from Mason’s Information Technology Services.

Mason Online: Strategies for Online Learning Success
This is a longer list of tips for a successful online experience.

Learning Services
If you need assistance, please contact Learning Services at 703- 993-2999, or via email at Learning Services offers online academic coaching and academic workshops, as well as a list of Mason tutoring resources.

Counseling and Psychological Services
Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) remains available to provide services to Mason students. Please see CAPS’ website for a list of hours and resources. CAPS also offers virtual workshops focused on healthy coping skills. Contact CAPS at 703-993-2380.

Office of Diversity, Inclusion, and Multicultural Education
ODIME offers support to our Mason’s diverse student populations, including Asian/Pacific American, Black/African American/African Heritage, Hispanic/Latino(a), Middle Eastern and North African (MENA), and Native American/Indigenous heritages.

Disability Services
Disability Services is available to serve all students with disabilities, including those with cognitive, learning, psychological, sustained head injuries, sensory, mobility, and other physical impairments.

Keep Investigating: Undergraduate Research Guidelines

Academic Advising

Mason Libraries Services & Updates

Writing Center



Online Learning – Learning Services (2025)


What is the best online learning provider? ›

Top 10 Online Course Providers
  • EdX – Best Course Variety.
  • FutureLearn – Best for Accelerated Courses.
  • Coursera – Best for Credentials.
  • Udacity – Best for IT Courses.
  • Codecademy – Best for Coding Courses<
  • HubSpot Academy – Best for Marketing Courses.
  • Udemy – Best for Business Courses.
Nov 29, 2023

What is the best online learning platform? ›

Our Top Tested Picks
  • Khan Academy. ...
  • Coursera. ...
  • Kahoot! Best for Quizzes and Games. ...
  • Skillshare. Best for Creatives Learning Practical Skills. ...
  • Udacity. Best for Programming and Vocational Skills. ...
  • Wondrium. Best for Curious Minds. ...
  • LinkedIn Learning. Best for Business Skills. ...
  • Udemy. Best for Taking One-Off Courses.

What are eLearning services? ›

eLearning, also known as electronic learning or online learing, is the delivery of learning and training through digital resources.

Which is the best online teaching platform? ›

10 best online teaching platforms
  1. Udemy. Udemy is a leading online education marketplace, attracting millions of learners and partnering with over 15,000 companies. ...
  2. Kajabi. Kajabi is an all-in-one platform, designed to help you monetize your knowledge. ...
  3. Coursera. ...
  4. Classplus. ...
  5. OpenLearning. ...
  6. Teachable. ...
  7. Thinkific. ...
  8. FreshLearn.
May 10, 2024

Which online certification is most recognized? ›

The most highly-demanded certification courses are:
  • Cybersecurity Courses.
  • Data Science And Big Data.
  • Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning.
  • Digital Marketing.
  • Web Design Certificate Programs.
  • Google Analytics Certifications.
  • Coding Languages And Computer Science Online Certificate Programs.
  • Aws Certifications.

What is the number one online learning app? ›

1 (One) is the first natural number, followed by two. The Roman numeral for one is I. Chinese hand sign. 0:01 Pronunciation of the number 1.

What is the difference between eLearning and online learning? ›

Similarly, while eLearning does not require teachers and students to be online at the same time, lessons during online learning are conducted in real-time. As such, students and teachers can communicate through the online platform via audio, video, or/and interactive whiteboard features.

What are eLearning packages? ›

E-Learning Packages: Learn & Get Certified at Your Own Pace. Self-led, online learning – often just called “e-learning” – is an excellent option for those who can't find the time to attend live training or simply prefer to learn at their own pace.

Is eLearning good or bad? ›

Conclusion. E-learning offers numerous benefits, such as flexibility, cost-effectiveness, and accessibility. However, it also comes with its own set of challenges, such as self-motivation, limited interaction, technical issues, and limited hands-on learning.

What's the best online tutoring service? ›

12 Best Online Tutoring Websites for All Grades
  • TutorMe.
  • Wyzant.
  • Varsity Tutors.
  • Khan Academy.
  • Skooli.
  • StudyGate.
  • Preply.
May 31, 2024

Which device is best for online teaching? ›

Laptop or chrome book:

Many supportive devices like webcam, Lume cube, microphone, and other devices are compatible with a laptop. For the best learning experience, online teachers apply countless techniques, technology, and strategies. By using low-end and small devices, students cannot access quality instructions.

Which platform is better for learning? ›

Coursera is one of the best remote learning platforms, renowned for its collaborations with prestigious universities and organizations worldwide. It boasts an extensive catalog of over 5,400+ courses across numerous disciplines, from Humanities and Business to Computer Science and Health.

What is the best online A-level provider? ›

Oxbridge is rated Best in the UK for our A-levels by Think Student. In 2022, our students achieved a 98% pass rate and 69% of our A-level pupils achieved a grade A or A*. That places Oxbridge amongst the top colleges for A-level results in the UK.

Which is better, Coursera or Udemy? ›

Coursera typically partners with universities and institutions to offer courses. These courses are often more structured and rigorous. They may provide certificates or even full degrees. Udemy is an open platform where anyone can publish a course.

Is EdX or Coursera better? ›

What are the most significant differences between Coursera and edX? Topics: Both platforms offer a diverse range of subjects. However, Coursera focuses more on professional training, for example computer science and business degrees. EdX offers numerous courses in the humanities and the natural sciences.

Which is better, Coursera or CodeCademy? ›

If we compare Coursera vs CodeCademy, it's evident that Coursera has higher value for money than CodeCademy. Talking about the overall quality of content & learning material, if we compare Coursera vs CodeCademy, we can see that better content quality is offered by Coursera.

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Author: Moshe Kshlerin

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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

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Job: District Education Designer

Hobby: Yoga, Gunsmithing, Singing, 3D printing, Nordic skating, Soapmaking, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.