The Record from Hackensack, New Jersey (2024)




NEW INDUSTRY FOR W03TENDYKE. FREIGHT GAR JUMPEjTFEMCE- THE SUNSHINE FOR THE POOR. Chistmas Presents for Them WHEELMEN'S STAG TO-NIGHT. Array of Excellt-nt Ta'ent Assures a Good Entertainment. Tie talent secured by the entertain This is What Carlstadt Coun cil Meeting Disclosed Last Night.

By the Tag RtscoitlV Hptwlnl At the adjourned meeting of the M. or Council of Cirlstadt held last night Mtyor Kugler, Coaacitnuu innuian, Kl u. Poll and Isrlell were present, The Finance Committee leporte 1 that ErJle-'s shonagi was i 10.33 Mr- Siiaf- er was authorized to ojufur with Erdle's representative, Add sou Ely, of Rutherford, fr a settlement along the lines suggested at the hearing before Judg Kruegr tact week. The bond of P. H.

Jjhnsoii as special lax collector was approved nadir form to be tubiiilUed to counsel. Regarding the change in the names of certain streets uo definite aoiiou was taken. It was suggested that th Trolley Co. be required to pavo between their tracks with b.ock pavemenr, bu no action whs taken. The advisability of appealing from the dtcision of the Onmiiiissioiiers of Appeals in exempting the prop-rty of the Carlstadt Turn Vereiu from taxation was di-cussed and laid over uutil next meeting.

crookedThree NO LONGER FREE. Two Trolley Rails, One Wants Pistol. AH in Jail. There as a double attraction in the Sheriff's office, Hackensack, this afternoon. Marshal Glenn brought August Klass and Emil Baetz of lloboken to the Hackensack jail, committed by Justice Morgan of Rutherford, on a charge of grand larceny.

They were caught with a wagon load of trolley rails' taken at Stteaucus, near the White Line power house at 5 o'clock this morning. Sergent Schrieber arrested a well-dressed young man who said his home was in Englewood and that his name was Oppenheimer. He had endeavored to bunco a bicycle dealer out of a pistol by saying Cashier Terhune, of the Na tional bank, sent him for the weapon. Investigation after he left proved his story fictitious and just as he was boarding a train to leave the town he was nabbed. Justice Heath committed the slick youth to jail.

He deftly put the pistol in his accuser's pocket en route to jail. 0 FULTON si; AT WHARF. ll.rliMrilx- llxnl I ill IV illi Vntrr hile Slerii Is i'fititf Hnlsril. X. Dec.

It. The submarine heal Kuiton of the Holland company, which is the type or the: boats the company is now building for. the United States government, lies at which is the type of tho the bottom of the bay. She Is twelve feet below the surface. Her dive was taken unexpectedly.

She is unharmed and will be raised by her own power, it Is thought. The Kulion was getting ready for her trip to by way of Long Island sound and the ocean. There were some minor repairs tn be made to her exhaust pipe at the stern and under water. To effect this a cable was passed under her stern, and Hie big derrick of the company took bold. The stern was tilted upward to allow the workmen to get at the senwiiid end of the pipe.

The laising of the stern caused the depression of the Pulton's bow ami brought the forward hatch level with the water. The hutch bad been left open, and the boat began to fill. This wns not noticed until tlie ciafl I. ad taken in a considerable quantity of water. One of the engineers Marled into her to try to cio-ie the baleh.

and the men operating the derrick were directed to lower the stein. The discovery had been Made too late, and ihe water taken Iu caused the boat to t'o down when the grip of the derrick was let go. The engineer who had started below was met by a rush of water had to leap into the b.iy to avoid In i 1 1 if carried down iu the Fulton, lie escaped injury, AuimI V-uro Ai'i'iifcPi! of Munlt-r. X. Dec.

II, Edward Peaco*ck, a negro, aged sixty, arrested at his home In the town of lleekiiian on a charge of murder. Two weeks ago Pea and his wife caroused one night in the village barroom, where the woman donned man' clothes and danced, her husband disapproving. They started home together, mid two days later the wife was found dead in a Hold beside (lie road. The body was examined, and the doctor found evidences (bat dentil bad Veil caused by a kick In her side. Tin1 iitishand bad previously been under iiispielcli because lie made 110 effort to Unit bis wife dining the two days bo-lore tier body was found, He deiilcn Ids guilt, but Is being held for Investigation.

T01 Pride of Herd l. Manv soldier In tha hmt war wrote to wit that for Braise. Cot, Wouudn. run, Hor feet aud KtilT J.ilafK. Biicklcu's Atnlci Halve i Ihe st in the world.

Sunn for Bartii, ScahK ills, Ulcers, Skin Eruptions and It cures or no pay. Only Lett.T By State Medical tor on Sylvan Street School Matter. The following letter will be of inter est to Rutherford people whohave fol lowed the Sylvan street school de bate: Board of Health of the State of New Jersey. Trenton. Nov.

26. 1901. George Bancroft Gale, M. Ruther ford. N.

J. Dear Doctor in response to your request, an examination was made of what Ib known as the Sylvan street school located in your borough. The object of the examination was to de termine the advisability of using what Is known as the kindergarten rooms lor school purposes. This de- I partment is conducted in three rooms in the school, which are located be low the first floor. On the street side the floor level of the rooms Is at least four feet below the Biirfaca, of the ground, but on account of the sloping nature of the ground the floor on the southerly side of the building la about upon the ground level.

In this room the number of pupils receiving Instruction Is at present 70. It is understood that prior to the rectlon of tho new school building at times 120 or 130 pupils were taught In these rooms. The ventilation of the rooms is effected by the opening of doors and windows. This method is unsatis-i factory, and every modern school building should be furnished wltliap-! pliances by which mechanically, fresh air may be Introduced aud foul air abstracted. The ceilings of the rooms referred to are about seven teet in height.

The floors are of wood laid upon cement. The air space and floor space In the rooms allows 21 feet of floor space per pu pil when 60 pupils are present, and 121 cubic feet of air space under similar Information obtained from the teachers shows that ut tinir3 In the spring of the year dampness is noticeable in the rooms, and that it is deposited upon the blackboards. No complaint whatever is made of dampness of floors. It should be laid down as a general law that no school rooms should be placed below the ground level. The room at present in use for the pupils is not adapted for such purposes.

If the rooms are to be used permanently certain changes should be made as follows: An arcaway should be placed around the rooms bo as to give opportunity for tlie circulation of air around the walls, and this areaway should have a depth at least a foot greater than the present floor level iu the rooms. In addition thereto, some system of ventilation should be Introduced, so that pure air may be furnished, and that pupils may not be exposed to the dangers arising from draughts. The number ot pupils should be, 01 course, so limited as to give each pupil the proper amount of floor and space. In regard to the relation of the local board of health to such matters, the method of procedure Is for the local board of health to apply td the Chancellor for an Injunction, but before doing this it is absolutely essential that the local board of health should have sufficient legal grounds for their action, liy this it Is implied that there should be some absolute proof which can be presented to the courts that tho conditions existing are such as to cause ill health. and tlie local board of health before taking action In any such matter should have the affidavits 'of physicians in relation to specific cases, so that when the case is tried tn the courts they are ablo to show that disease has actually occurred as a result of the conditions.

Where such proof cannot be obtained, the rela tion of the local board of health to the board of education should be merely advisory In nature, and the local board of health should put itself upon record, by resolution or otherwise, as disapproving of the use tho room for school purposes, and urging upon the board of education the necessity of providing improved facilities. Tho local board of health having thus placed itself upon record relieved of the responsibility for the existing conditions, and the responsibility Is then placed upon the members of tho board of educ ation. Knowing the progressive charac ter of tho citizens of Rutherford we not doubt that every effort will be made to improve present conditions, and the fact that a now and modern school building has been erected, shows that there Is allvely Interest educational matters. We trust that co-operation of the local board health with the board of educa tion, and with all tlioso who are Interested In educational matters In your borough, will result in tho se curing of Increased and Improved facilities for tho instruction of the younger children In the kindergarten department. Very respectfully, A.

CLARK HUNT, tato Medical Inspector. i.l in 11 Wiped Out. Weyii-. iV. Va Die-.

town, lie eoiini iv. 'U of Vi'aviie colllil.v, was uliiioM wipe out by a lire which broke out sli irtl.v after lu'dnlglit and raged until d.iyl There was but little Insurance, as the town has no ib partment. The lire originated In a livery stable, and 11 stiff wind that was blowing caused the llames to sweep oil, de-Htroytng everything In their path for two siiuares. The Inhabitants could do nothing but stand Idly by and see their properly go up In smoke. Knulnn.1 to I'all All ItenervM.

Indoti Dec. drafts for the inllltln, yeomanry and the regulars are already being prepared for transportation to South Africa. The British government has decided to cull out for the South African service all reservists who have not completed their twelve years of service. The fed orut L'liviMiiiuent of Australia la also considering the sending of further con tlngcnts to South Africa. I of Crash and Roar Startles Many None Injured But Three Cars Damaged.

There was a roaring, crashing noise at the usque liaana depot UtckeoMck this moruing, the rumble and shock startled the vicinity and there wa-t rush to nee what ba 1 happened. Sureral freight cars were pushed on the aiding at Holley uith'san ran away from the brakeman. They hot down the incline and bumped others along. Tbe last car struck the bumper in the rear of the old Brry lesideuo. Ai tha tracks ought up and the mim''ntii tore the box or from it fastenings and the heavT ructaro hurdled the fenoe, locked down an oalhouae and foil iu the yard of the private house.

Thes'JVtiral muu in tbe curs were shaken op and badly frightened bat none were Injured. One car 1 a total wrack and two others were damaged. In one car the shirting of a load of ties forced out the buck of the car. ATSUilARY'S CHURCH. Younjf Men's Qub Abort Name and Elect Officers.

Ladies Also Meet. The members of St. Mary's Roman Catholic church of Hackensack, are making church affairs, especially to the auxiliary organizations, iBtereat- Ing. One of the latet and moat thriv ing features la the athletic association, Monday night the club suet aud decided on a name. The organization will be known aa the Young; Mens' Catholic Club.

The following oflieers were elected: President, James Norton: vice-president, Eu gene Keagan; secretary, Albert Sehtilta; treasurer, John llonkertml; librarian, Charles MacWay; assist ant librarian, Joseph Conrad; gvard, John Miles kin. The contractor, building the club house In making rapid progress sad the club hopes to be in Its new quarters in about two weeks. The members are purchasing games for tbe (lull, and Father Ijimbert Is tooling: out for a pool table. There are 27 young moa enrolled and more have expressed a willingness to Join. The Ladles Catholic Ilenevolent Association met fast night and initia ted to members, Miss Pauline Wen-zol and Mrs.

Kuhn, They will be in stalled at the January meeting. The following pffleerB were elected: President, Miss Marie I.amoert; vice president. Ann Matthal; second vice-president. Anna Repln- side; recorder. Miss lena Hoffman; assistant recorder.

Miss Anna Davis; lliiunelal secretary. Misa Mary Miles-kie; treasurer, Mrs. K. Sack; mar- slial. Miss A.

Hoffman; guard, Miss B. Kuehn; trustees. Mrs. Km ma Pas- heck, Mrs. Augusta Aqiiardo, Mrs.

Francis Hoffman. Serum on SI reel nr Mrikr. Scianioii. Dec 11. Once more 'otHeials of tlie Scrauton Itnllway company have refused to recede from the position taken tbe day following the Inauguration of the strike eleven weeks ago.

National President Malm' of the 111 1 ear men and National President John Mitchell of the miner ciiUi il on Oetieial Manager Silltuian see If could do anything toward etr cling a settl nu'iit. Mr. BIIHiimn told them what lie told the mediation committees of the city council, th lioaid of, the business mefi and the strikers' executive committee when, 1'iii'h In turn waited on him with medial ion propositions. The company, he said, would not lake the men back in a body, ami, while not opposing a union its employees. It would have no itli a union.

Ctrl' Virtf iva Mnnjr Mvri. Chicago. Dec. 11. While clouds of smoke tided the hallways from a fierce lire which raged In tbe basem*nt of the Lincoln school.

Ktliel Parker, thirteen years old, sot ut a piano In the main corridor up stairs and played a' lively two for the IKK) children to kivp time by while marching out of llii- binning building. Miss Kurker did not cciim- playing until the lust child hail left the building, and when she- tried to escape she. was twice driven buck by clouds of dense smoke which by that time rolled through the corri dors. She finally reached a door and went to the first Moor by groping along the walls and stair banisters. When the girl volunteered to play the march, she was the only pupil who knew tbe building was on tire.

THE WEATHER. Weather forecast ending 10 p. nv Thursday: Cloudy followed by rain or snow by night or Friday (morning: no material change in temperature, rarbV; winds. At this date last year we bad snow withVt maximum temperature ot 43 deg. and and a minimum of 21 deg.

Temperature for past 14 boors ending 10 p. m. Tuesday. Maximum, 65. Minimum, 40, Almanac for Thursday: Bun rises, 7:13.

Sun sets, 4 ffl High tide 9:35 a.m.Higa tide, :34p.ta (Approximately.) j. m. ai-insa Firm Will Start Linen Fac tory In Old Mill. To Employ 500 Hands. Wortendyke, which was among the liveliest and busiest Villages along the Susquehanna railroad when the Wortendyke silk mills were in operation, and before the repair shops were moved away, is again on the eve of prosperity.

A big linen manufacturing concern has purchased the Wortendyke mills, recently vacated by Thomas May-hew, who moved his silk plant to this city. linen company is making alterations in the buildings and get ting them ready for the installation of machinery. When this Is com pleted employment will be furnished for 400 or 50 hands, and the village, which has been at an industrial standstill for several years, will again thrive. fieloIlub won. Defeated Fxcelsiors Last Night In Bergen Co League Tournament.

TIm Excelsiors dropped three games 1 1 the -k Heights Field club lust night iu the Bergen County L'aiue tournament. Tne g.inie-t were roiled on 1 he Field olab alloys mid were witnessed by a la ge nu nbor of "rooters." Tho high score of tlw held by Siniih of thLyceum team, ws pur in the s'mde by ILirdeuburg of tho Fiuld Club, who rolled 2(17 iu tlu scout. game The scores follow field ciuj 1st 2nd 3rd game gam game Rid ford lot) i-t'J 137 Dopkeu 174 144 ltil Oilkers M(i 163 133 Hardenberg 190 207 172 Grunt 165 171 183 Total .824 8U4 7t6 EXCELSIOR. 1st 2nd 3rd game. .105 137 135 lot 12!) game.

game. Carr Kennedy. Brewster, O. Brewster, T. Prio-, A .115 127 ..104 ne 175 116 137 157 Totals 711 040 PAPER SOCIAL SET.

Emploes of the Campbell Factory to Organize. The employes of tho Campbell Wall Paper residing at Fairaiouut, II ick-ensue', held a meeting Mond ly night a which was di83ussed the advisability of forming a soci il organization of their vn. Trt'enty-nins members were present aud us man? more sign 'd tho call I- was decided to defer final actum tit Friday the 13th iust. when posi v(l st 'in tn,lf., on the soi; at sea ot 11 tokeusack nu orgam.a- tmn that they ex iect will eo ipse, iu int of pleasure and entertaining, any-tiling heretofore exi-ting. Th oflieers elected temporarily are W.

J. Corris, clmirinm; J. Micha ds, secretary G. mr, treasurer; J. Fal-vey, siirg'.

at arms. A committee has boen app intol to secure if possible suitable quartura aud report the remit at tbe next meeting. It is the intention of the club to purchaFe or rent a house adiptid for club purposes as goon as possible thereby making a home for comrades who at present are far from home. WAR VETERANUO MEET To Elect Officers and Entertain Visitors. The annual meeting of Major John Kngel Command, S.

W. will be hold In Odd Peljows' Hall the coming Friday evening. This meeting will be of particular Interest through the fact that ut, this meeting oflieers for the ensuing year will be el' ti'd. Tlie follolng letter has been received from the Adjutant of Manhattan Command, No. 5, In response to an Invitation for the above Command to attend the muster of tlie local command this Friday evening: "Leg to advise you that this Command find It Impossible to accept your kind Invitation to attend your muster on Friday evening, but tako pleasure In stating that tho Corps Commander of Stato of New York, Champ S.

Andrews, a member of this Command, and other Individual members will attend." The entertainment committee, headed by Lieut. Fream, will do Its share to mako tho evening a success, It Is expected that a largo number will be present to meet the Commander of Now York. Killed In Xlrrrt Oarl. Zolfo, H.I.. I L.

Powell and J. H. Overs! iect, two prominent naval stores shot and killed each other III a face to fare duel here. Powell was one of tbe largest operntop nud owners of turpentine lands In Floillu. Itchlntf biles? Nevermind If nliysl clans have failed to cureyou.Tty Doan'i Ointment.

No failure there. 60 cents, at.any drug store. 1 I 1 of Is do In of I No Tiding From Mother Who Left Nine Children. Probably Deranged. M'S.

Za iri-kie, of Rldifewoort. who lft home last week uivsteri.mslv has! not yet been heard from by the anxious family awaiting tidings. The family are 8 jarchiu all over and the neighbors are lending their aid. Tl police of all the nearby cities have dc- script ions of tne woman. It is feared that the mother and wife, while tempor arily deranged with tha severe paius iu her head, did some rah act and that they nivy never flud her again.

THE CANAL TREATY UP Senator Lodge Explains the Hay-Pauncefote Agreement. MORGAN I2TTE0DUCES A NEW EILL. To Aiiproitrinlr IOO.IIIO.OItO I'm (. nn.itrucliuu of atertvity KrM rnuish*tietil I-'or AKKAilttntM til I'ri-xitlt'itlft. Washington, Dec.

II. The senate )ok up the Hay-I'nuncefote canal treaty iu executive session, and Senator Lodge made au explanation and argument fir the convention. Mr. I judge contended that the new treaty does away with all the features objected to in the treaty of the last congress and enumerated the particulars in which the revised agreement conforms to the action of the senate iu the last congress when the old treaty was before it. lie analyzed the new treaty from beginning to end.

showing that in (specific' terms it abrogates the CUtyton-Uulwer treaty of 1 which, he said, had stood constantly in the way of i lie construction of an isthmian csmal. Senator Lodge also called attention to the omission in paragraph 1. article of the words "in time of war as in time of peace." He said that in the old treaty the paragraph rend, "The canal tili-ill be free nud open in time of war as in lime of peace to the vessels of commerce and of war of all nations on terms of entire equality," etc. 1 le urged that the omission of this phrase bad the effect practically of leaving the United States to do with the canal in time of war according to its owu good pleasure. He ulso referred to the fact that rule 7 in the treaty of the powers regulating the control of the Suez canal, which had been embodied in the origi nal Hay-I'auneefote treaty, had been omitted in the revised draft.

lie quot ed this rule, which provided that "no formications shall be erected commanding the canal or the waters adja-ci ut." etc. Mil criii I C'oiiecNNiiili. Tli is. lie said, was a concession to the United States and was sufficient to 111 'i't the objections maile against that agreement that the United States would have no power to protect its properly. The fact that the invitation contained in the old treaty to various powers to give their adherence to the agreement had been eliminated from the new convention, he said, was another compliance with the action of the senate on the original treaty.

These concessions, Mr. Lodge urged, were ample, find be contended that they were of such nature as to make the new treaty acceptable to all American citizens win) wanted to see a canal constructed. Practically, lie said, Great Rritain had agreed to turn the entire management of the canal over to the United States not only in time of peace, but in tiuie or war. and no one could doubt that in case of hostilities the United Slates would be tit liberty to conslriie the omission of the clause in rule 1 as having this effect. A Hill.

Senator Morgan introduced a bill providing for the construction of Hie Nicaragua canal. This bill provides an aggregate of of which is made immediately available and of which aggregate sum such nuiomits as are necessary are to be appropriated by congress from time to time. The control of the canal and of the canal belt Is vested iu a board of eight citizens of the United States In add: tioti to the secretary of war. who Is to be president. The members of the board are to be paid a salary of SfS.iNm year each, and they are to be chosen regardless of political alliliatioii.

There is a provision authorizing the establishment of a regiment from the regular army -on the canal belt to guard It properly, and courts also nre authorized conformable to the powers granted by the governments of Nicaragua anil co*kiii Rica. There, also Is a provision making three divisions of the cnnnl during ilie construction, and there is to be chief cng'neer anil two as-alstants en noli dlxisioii. the chief to receive a sa aiy of" and the as-Hlstants end nib. Senator 'ill fn'roilnci'd In the Renate a Mi! to jcon'ct th- president, Vice pi'cx di'Hi. rvonx iu III" lllie of fmeccssion to the pre-Whiicy nud em Imssadors and foreign mlu'st 'i's.

Th bill provides for the pitii.sliuiwir death of piiy person who shall Intcii tlotiHlly kill or who, with Intent to kill, shall the president of lit United States, the vice president, persons In Kiirci'sslou to thp presidency, ctn-btissailot'H and minister of foVeigi. countries resident In the United States. The came ponultieg are preacrlbcd for persons who shall Incite others to any of the foregoing deeds. I 1 hi the Present Matter -of Importance. A most enjoyable meeting of the International Sunshine Society, Ruth eriora urancn ko.

1, was held on Monday afternoon at the residence of Mrs. A. L. Goss, 7S Chestnut street. 1 tie true spirit or sunshine pre vailed, and a generous supply of fill ed Christinas stockings received The hostess invited all to Join in social cup'' of tea, which added to the enjoyment of the meeting.

Sunshine" work is indeed a grat ifying work, to Judge by the happy laces 01 tnose present. A box of magazines is being filled to be sent to the? "boys" of the Navy All who wish to contribute may do so ny sending magazines or interesting reading matter to the residence of Mrs. Clear. 447 Kdgewood Place. Hlied Christmas stockings maybe sent, until Dee.

20th to the residence of Mrs. W. L. Goss. 78 Chestnut st.

It Is not necessary to fill the two stockings. Tuck the mate In the toe of the other and fill the stockklnit with toys, candy, etc. One member substituted a box containing warm (new) clothing, stockings, gloves and (a box of candy), suitable for a girl ten years old. A "mite box," received from head quarters, 9G Fifth avenue, was re turned containing one dollar and fifty cents, the proceeds of a small "Sunshine" entertainment. This money will lie used to help defray expenses attached to the mailing and express age of "Christmas" stockings.

The International Sunshine Soci- ty have promised to fill the stock ings of over 20,000 little ones this Christmas time little ones who oth rwise will not be RTTACK OH THE AO. Grave Charges by President ol Medical Association. ALLEGED SLAUGHTER OF S0LWEK8 Dr. II. -ril Sit) a 'Hull TIiiiiiiiiiiiiI I Jifn Sitei'llii'i'il Ttii'iuiKli IHsrewanl nf Snttlliii- I.H..

i 'o III hi Hill (it l.ii-iil (hiii. Mai Ion. Dec. 11. Dr.

Charles A-L, lieed of Cincinnati, the retiring president of 1 1 1 1 American Medical as spoke last night at a bun piot given here by the inedlcul profession of northern Ohio, In the course of his remarks on jamillng congressional topus viewed Iroui a medical standpoint In- said: "It seems from evidence that has recently come from within tbe army itself Hint tlie medical department has not only I degraded, but that It Is practically without nulhorlty. This war strikingly. Indeed tragically, Illustrated during tiie recent nr. "A comma ndn nt was In charge of a itiarter of entire army. His culli-nciiid was made up of Ihe (lower of American manhood and was encamped at a health ivsort.

He, however, In violation of th" precedent of the eiilihnted and competent gentlemen of the line, but m-ling 'finder the permls sl.m of existing army regulations, not only set aside recommendations of his sanitary ollieers, but by personal example fuelled bis men to violate the most fuiidameiital sanitary laws. The resull was what might have been expected, Of the more than 00,000 men In Ids command lll.nco were Invalided, while marly a thousand died from preventable causes. lillrui'M niir.NHlmi of "It Is not surprising that ell'orts have been made to suppress knowledge of it. am advised that the army Invesiigat-lug coiiimlllce Iu the interest of publii dec. in oiiilited from Its public report much testimony on this phase of tin' conduct of the war.

An ollicer of tin1 service who today agitates this iiiimi vory subject is bnnlsheil to tlie Philippines. No wonder the surgeon general cannot till the sixty or more vacancies now existing In bis corps. Self respect lug medical men are not offering for a degraded service that Is dominated by gag law and tyranny. The agitation nonet stop until th" responsibility. Ik fixed for the enforet tiieni of a regulation under the present terms of which the bumptiousness ol an neclileiital and Incapable comuiau dant may, wlih impunity to himself, deprive an entire army of the bem fac tious of science." Iteii.ilillcnti Mnyor of W'orormlrr.

Worcester. Dec. returns give r.dward Hotelier, lt. publican candidate for mayor, a plaral- ly of over Mayor Philip .1. l'oti-n il iDetn.i.

'I lie Democrats bavceleit-d three and ibe Kcpublli ans six to t' loanl of a). I rr.ieii. a gain of one for the Democrats. 'Ihe common council will lie tne same as last year -seven teen ulillcans and seveu crals. lbe city went license uy 11 vote to a big gain for llcennc over last year.

ririeri. tear t'ur Amon. liinghamtoii, N. Dec. 11.

-Mrs. Mary Johnson, convicted of arson, sec ond iti'gree, at Owego, bun been sen tenced there to fifteen years In state prison at Auburn. A stay of twenty lays was secured for an appeal to a higher court for a ccttllkate of reason able doubt. Convalescence after nueuuionla, ty phoid fever and the grip, ts sometimes merely apparent, not real. To make it kI iind raold.

there is no other tonic so hiuhl to be recommended as Hood's Sanwparilla. Thousands 10 testify, Takeileods'a of ment committee tor the heelmen stag entertainment in Odd Fellows' hall, Hackensack. to-night is up to the standard of all their affairs of this kind. The head-liner. Tommy Uaker, mooologuist and singing comedian, as the person who gave so much satisfaction at a recent session of the Elks.

"He is one of the best in the business," is the professional opinion of Baker. The other artists promised by Jas. A. Armstrong, the theatrical agent of I'nion Square, who will personally look after the show, are Hill and Whittaker. Banjo and Singing Specialty.

Bessie Phillipps, Soubrette. Dunn and Vaughn. Illustrated songs. Ernest Havens and Mabel Andrews, Eccentric Comedy Sketch. Manager Armstrong says he will continue the show till 10:30, so that! those who attend will certainly get their money worth.

The entertainment committee will give these shows monthly as long as the patronage proves encouraging. The public is invited. Admission, 35 tents. CELEBRATING THE MENIAL. Of the Old Church at Dumont.

Rev. George Catton's Remarks The centennial of the Schraalen-burg Reformed church at Dumont is lifiing celebrated. Except for slight changes it is about the same as it was when dedicated loo years ago. Rev. George Cotton, the pastor, save a historical address Monday evening.

He said: "The Schraal-enburg church as built as a result of a split in the 'Old South at Bergen Fields, a mite south of Dumont. Rev. Jacobus B. C. Romeyn received a call from the church at Bergen Fields in 1799.

but a year later trouble arose and the friends of the pastor assisted him in building the church hieii is now celebrating its centennial. Conspicuous under the pulpit and facing the congregation is a big oil painting of Pastor Romeyn, and nearby on a table is the Bible that was used by him a century ago." Pastors of churches in neighboring towns participated in congratulatory exercises last evening. The- Reformed church pastors in the country will have an opportunity this evening to offer congratulations. The Rev. Mr.

Cotton is one of those athletic pastors popular with young nad old. During the past few-years he has associated with the young men in the outdoor sports and has made himself a general favorite. ENTERTWKKEKT. E. Rutherford Free Public Library Assn.

Gives Bio-graph Exhibition. HyTitu Reco*kd's Spocial Coriespond nt. Last niiht the East Rutherford Free Pdbhc Library Association gave the sec. 0 id one of'its course of entertainments, w'lich will be held cluriug the winter S'5on, mid, as a crowded nous; aad a great success was tbe result. A Biograph exhibition was givuu under the direction aud umu igmsut of the American Biograph of New York.

A long list of illustrations was shown ami included all sorts of subjects, humorous, historical, etc. During the intermission some fine sections were rendered by Miss Lottie Broking, pianist, and Mr. Buruard Rinsh, violinist, both of whim are well Ttuown iu this county as talented niusi-eiaus. The Library Association again demonstrated its right to the popularity and standing which it enjoys and without hesitating it continues to improve its fiae public library. Twcnlj'-flvc team Vilernl Juilm-.

Runnoke. Dec 11. Ex-Judge Hubert noghes is il in Washington aired eighty-one years, lie was for more than twenty-five years t'nilcd s'atrs Judge of the eastern district of Virginia nud uD was one of the strongest newspaper 1.11H Virginia has ever Inndiccd. With the late John M. Dnti-ie he edited the Richmond Examiner lor a iiuiiil" of years.

lie also edited the president's organ dining Huelian-Mii's administration and since the war The Stale Journal. During hlvnowspn-r career Judge llnglies engaged In two duels and was, a second in several others, Ma.ii Hotilirry Suspect Arrested. New York, Dee. inspectors who linve been working on the postoiHce stamp robbery In Chicago last Ocinber think Unit the arrest of ''liarles Stokes In this city litis solved It. A search of Stokes" apartments at Monroe street, Brooklyn, brought 'i light Kl.lMlst.'itnps of denominations from down to 1 cent.

Slokrs was ill'-'slid hist night In the general pnstof-building mi Ml; pfeloii of Is lug nil nt of the gang Hint under "n'l'lili'tigo postotlioo building and lont-'J the stamp wife, leaving behind them Iwfiliiiely no trace. a 25o at Ales Denlg drug store. I.

The Record from Hackensack, New Jersey (2024)
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Author: Stevie Stamm

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Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

Phone: +342332224300

Job: Future Advertising Analyst

Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.